Department of Shalyatantra

Department of Shalya Tantra (surgery) is one of the clinical departments that teach and train the students of final B.A.M.S., M.S & Ph.D course about the basics of surgery and para-surgical aspects given in Ayurveda as well as modern concepts at their level. The main focus of study is to get aware the students regarding the fundamental of surgical diseases, various disability and deformity, trauma, fractures, congenital and acquired illnesses etc.


  • To focus the approach of students is toward the various modern tools and techniques of investigation and latest ultra-modern information regarding the general surgical procedures and also by minimal access techniques like laparoscopy, endoscopy, ERCP, cystoscopy,colonoscopy etc..
  • To impart strict discipline and management of operation theatre and live demonstration of human parts and their handling during operation.
  • To give knowledge of ancient principles of shalya tantra of ayurveda in regard to surgical and para-surgical concept of diseases, their treatment and betterment of patients is also to be taught during their course.


  • To run a full-fledged hospital along with the Ayurvedic surgery techniques and specialities.
  • To provide the basic medical and health facility to local villagers as well as other people of pune and surrounding states.
  • To make the department of shalya tantra ( surgery) up to mark to fulfill the teaching and training requirement to student of final year of BAMS.  & M.S.
  • To provide sufficient resources for complete knowledge of surgery at the level as given above.

Departmental Teaching staff

Dr. Mohammad Ashim Kundagol
Associate Professor

Dr. Mohammad Ashim Kundagol

Dr. Vishalkumar
Assistant Professor

Dr. Vishalkumar